Privacy & Policy

Declaration on Data Protection

Your privacy is my main concern. The internet security is getting more undefended day by day. The data misuse can be a big threat to any company or organization.I have to take some information regarding bank transaction but those can be shared with a bank or for any financial purpose to do the transaction. I don???t share any of your personal information to anyone unless any government or court issues.

How we collect your information?

Maybe you will be asked to provide your name, address, email address, phone number or some other personal identifying information willingly to deliver my services or products which you have requested. I also use advanced technology to collect data like cookies to know the time of visits, how many visitors come and how much time spend at our site and IP addresses.

My websites also reference and include links to third-party websites. As a rule, these are identified by stating the respective third-party Internet address or the company/product logo. Minmaxst has no influence whatsoever on the contents and design of websites of other providers. By referencing/linking these external websites we do not adopt their contents as my own. I strictly follow social media platforms and Search Engine policies such as Facebook, YouTube & Google. Minmax Textile Limited has no association with any of its policies in direct or indirect ways. But the rules or policies may vary from country to country.


Information about my usage of cookies, especially for marketing purposes, can be found in my Cookie Policy.


I have advanced technology to protect your information. When you provide any confidential information through the website then your information is protected for both online and offline. All your Personal identifying data is stored on my protected servers, and there is a firewall at a data center behind with a restricted control of data access. It is strictly prohibited to use, sell, rent, and copy any part such as images, videos or any contents from this site, and any illegal action or any unauthorized use of this website without approval may result as a criminal offense or a public action.

Email Data

While you are registering to my site for any purpose if you prefer to communicate with me through email that time i may keep the content of your email along with your email details. I offer the equal securities for these electronic mails that i do with online collected data. These actually happen if you are registering to o my site to sign up by using your email ID through my provided any forms from my website. I am bound to keep your email ID confidential. I do not sell or rent your email details or personal data to anyone unless asked by any government authority by law.

Privacy Policy Changes

I reserve all the rights to change my privacy policy at any time without any notice or on a short notice. I also have the full independence to change any part of the website anytime without your concern but you may receive an updated email from the site. I can ensure that I will not use any of your personal information you have provided to me under this privacy policy in a manner that is significantly changeable with this privacy policy, without your former approval.


If you have any queries or to get more information concerning my website and with this policy, please feel free to contact with me by sending an email at or call us at +88-01813282105.

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